Car delivery to your service centre

1️⃣ driver gets your car to your workshop, carwash, tyreshop
2️⃣ driver brings the vehicle back, provides a receipt

3️⃣ B2B contract, act of completion, invoice

Car delivery to your service centre
1️⃣ driver gets your car to your workshop, carwash, tyreshop
2️⃣ driver brings the vehicle back, provides a receipt

3️⃣ B2B contract, act of completion, invoice
Contact us in advance
Advance scheduling
  • Minimum 24 hours advance scheduling
    We need to negotiate a contract and prepare documents, acts, insurance
We may offer C1 English-speaking driver
When your car insurance (OSAGO) is limited
Limited OSAGO means only drivers mentioned in car insurance can drive one's car
  • We make transit OSAGO insurance for you
    In this case our driver will be allowed to drive your car for 20 days. It takes 1 day to make transit insurance. Average cost is 1500 rub
  • You make transit OSAGO by yourself
    You can make transit OSAGO for our driver in any insurance company at your choice. It takes 1 day. Average cost is 1500 rub
  • You turn your limited OSAGO into unlimited one
    You'll have to add extra charge only for remaining number of days. Average extra charge is 3000-5000 rub
We deliver cars to
  • Any place in Moscow and Moscow region
    There is no difference for us whether to get your car to a dealer centre in Moscow or to a small garage outside MKAD. As a place of service we don't suggest our partners-workshops, friends and etc.

    We are not responsible for the work of third-party car services, carwashes and tyreshops. This condition is obligatory set in a contract.

How to trust your car
A couple of measures to be calm about a car:
Our service description
Customer chooses service centre, tyreshop or carwash. Our driver delivers customer's car there, waits for work to be done, gets the car back to the costumer. A driver may purchase and deliver car parts to the service centre during maintenance at the customer's request.

Apart from delivery to places of service we also may deliver cars from point A to point B. From home to airport, from office to any place in Moscow and etc.

We solve 3 problems

For car owners of Moscow and Moscow region
Traffic jams
Wasted time
Our advantages
The first service of car delivery to any place of maintenance in Russia
  • Any place of car maintenance
    We deliver car to any service centre, carwash, tyreshop or garage at customer's choice
  • Direct payment to service centres
    Pay for car maintenance directly. Auto-Delivery is not an intermediary
  • Transparency and progressiveness
    1) Car salon's video-streaming during delivery;
    2) Google maps car tracking;
    3) Our team uses all modern means of communication: smartphone, E-mail, Whatsapp, socials and etc
  • Law coherence
    1) Оформляем услугу в соответствии с законами Российской Федерации;
    2) Детально фиксируем все условия в договоре по оказанию услуг;
    3) Оплату принимаем наличным и безналичным путем, у водителя с собой терминал для приема карт. Выдаем чек
  • Saving time
    Обслуживание автомобиля занимает много времени:
    Автосервис – от 4 до 7 часов
    Автомойка – около 1,5 часа
    Шиномонтаж – около 2 часов в сезон